Computer science lesson plan
Class:3rd - Lesson:3 About Computers.

Purpose: Learn about Parts of a Computer, Types of Computers, and Switching the Computer On & Off (Optional for I & II std).

No. of classes

Two or three classes (Teacher's decision).

Material Required

Computer, Gcompris, Tux of math command, Tux Typing, Tux Paint.

Prior Knowledge

Students should be familiar with mouse and keyboard



Play the GCompris game given below -->

Teacher Instruction
  1. Teachers can teach parts of the Computer through the GCompris game.
    ( GCompris β†’ Mouse handling, Keyboard handling. Tux math & Tux type)
    As these are already taught in earlier lessons.
  2. Students should play with the GCompris, Tux math, Tux type & Tux paint (Optional I &II std).
  3. Students must be familiar about: Types of Computers, Parts of a computer & should operate the β€˜On’ key.
  4. Students should identify parts of the Computer.
  5. Teachers use full screen when opening tux paint game.
  6. Teachers to help Students use previous knowledge while playing the game.